After a much-needed holiday break (because even writers need to recharge), we are back to hit the ground running for 2025.
It would fill a book to list the relentless stream of adjustment and change that 2024 delivered to this little immigrant. There were days of tears and terror. And raw, deep gratitude that made me swoon as if George Clooney had invited me over for the weekend.
Today, I’m sharing insights from 2024: the wins, challenges, joys, and disappointments of living in my adopted home of Portugal.
Plus, what’s COMING SOON for subscribers of Go Silver Oyster. Can you say, “Moolah in your pocket?”
Summer and fall of 2024, I was on the road for 4 ½ months, including pet sitting, touring Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, and England. After returning home to Portugal, catching my breath for 2 weeks, and repacking, I flew to the States, changing locations 11 times in 5 weeks. It was food for my soul to see dear friends and family, expand my writing business (Yabba-Doo), and check off a lengthy must-eat food list, including a shameful amount of Tacos.
I completed an 8-month government-sponsored Portuguese language course, securing my Willy Wonka Golden Certificate for future citizenship. This course, along with a toxic professora, and learning a second language at 59 years old, was difficult at best. But I was selected for the course and am grateful I got ‘er done. Now I can really learn Portuguese - muito obrigada.
A health scare found me saying “hell no” to heart surgery, medication, and wearing monitors with enough wires that I looked like someone threw spaghetti all over me. Instead, I choose to take control of AN EXTRA 33,000 heartbeats per day with methods to relieve immigration anxiety and stress. All exercise was forbidden for 9 months, and I am whittling off the resulting junk-in-my-trunk. The good news; my cardiologist released me to fly the day before I left for the States, with just 13 extra beats per day.
In 2023, after decades of coloring my hair, spraying outgrowth, and getting questionable results at foreign salons, I made the decision to grow out my natural mop of ashy brown/silver hair. I can attest it’s been hell for a little while, and there are lots of hats and fun buns to consider. But now that I’m on the home stretch, I feel empowered, free from society's expectations, and feel more confident, sexy, and authentic. Try it, ladies (and gentlemen); you’ll love it!
A massive point of gratitude has been the growth of Go Silver Oyster. Every subscriber, comment, and moment of vulnerability shows that this site is doing what it’s designed to do: inspire you to dream, risk, and live YOUR best life. Whether solo traveling for the first time, trying something new that requires an extra dose of courage, or traveling for less through pet sitting. At Go Silver Oyster, we are a community of insights for people of a “certain age” adorned with humor and honest details that would make my father cringe.
There are times when navigating daily life as an immigrant is exhausting. Trains break down; mosquitos whizz around my face at 2 a.m. (in December!); relationships shift; getting documents translated; and taking 2 hours just to get a lousy piece of paper photocopied.
Like many immigrants, I was sick; often! Over eight sinus infections, plus chest and ear infections that lasted longer than a good facelift. I’m told it’s the infamous Portugal mold and mildew, and I believe it! They don’t tell you in the glossy relocation magazines that when you immigrate to a new country, in addition to your mental health coming under fire, your body will be the Sunday buffet to a whole slew of new germs and viruses ready with their forks and knives.
Technology glitches that require a full day of trains, buses, and Google translate with the computer repair shop reminded me to go with the flow and that “it will all work out in the end.”
In Portugal, things just take longer. I’m scheduled to move in fifteen days, and I should (should!) have the rental contract any m-i-n-u-t-e. I’m told this is common and, again, that “it will all work out in the end.”
Drum roll, please! Just for you, Go Silver Oyster will soon add a Subscriber Resource Page filled (and growing) with many exciting opportunities I’ve curated over the years for travel, pet sitting, and inspiration.
This will include:
Hefty discounts on travel tours, products and services, and pet-sitting.
Tried-n-true recommendations to help you avoid pitfalls and secure great travel tools.
Freebies such as downloads to help you streamline your travel and/or immigration process, secure your first pet sit, or e-books to inspire you along the way.
More countries are on the horizon to explore through pet sitting in Europe. Plus, celebrate a milestone birthday in June. (Don’t you love how I snuck that tidbit in there?)
Go Silver Oyster will continue to expand, offering subscribers more value, “Oh, I didn’t know that” moments, and humor. Now there’s something we can all use.
There will be more immigration requirements to navigate, such as renewing my residencia card and securing a Portuguese driver’s license.
I will continue to expand my craft by writing for more travel and food magazines, including edible Reno-Tahoe.
I think, sort of, well, ready to, take a deep breath, maybe go on a date. We’ll see.
It often happens when I’m sipping a glass of wine or coffee with a friend, staring at the River Gilão, with our faces to the sun, admiring the architecture and gentle pace of life. One of us will say, “We are blessed to live this life.” So true. When you are an immigrant, you take nothing for granted. I am honored to share this journey with you, to hopefully spark a desire in you to live your best life; whatever that may be.
So, what’s in store for you in 2025? Please share.
Thank you for believing in Go Silver Oyster and laughing along the way.