The Portugal You Never Knew
35 quick facts and oddities to get you acquainted with everything Portuguese
In March 2023, Portugal became my adopted country. The people, the beaches, and the straightforward path to citizenship draw immigrants like myself to this seafaring nation.
Since then, flexibility and adjustment have been a part of my daily life—like an afternoon coffee. I still don’t understand why homes don’t have ceiling fans, shops don’t sell washcloths, and why, oh why there are no window screens when blood-thirsty mosquitos are on the hunt for unsuspecting immigrants.
Still, I’m smitten with this petite country on the seashore. That’s why today, I offer up 35 surprising facts and tidbits about Portugal. The known, the odd and absurd, the hysterical and charming; it’s all here to assist you in getting to know why this magical country attracts so many immigrants. Plus, you’ll sound really smart at the next happy hour.